World-class Infrastructure
The laboratory service provides services in the fields of Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology, Clinical Pathology, Serology, Medical Microbiology, Histopathology and Cytopathology in complaints with national and international standards and by adhering to Good Laboratory Practices.
Using state of art equipments compliance personnel and collective expertis we offer accurate results within shortest possible turnaround time.
Bypass Surgeries
Beating Heart Surgeries
Success Rate
Patient Centric Care
With over 400 regular and specialized tests, our technical expertise and customer service are of international standards

Facilities and Services
Clinical Biochemistry section of Meenakshi Hospital lab is the largest and most sophisticated in the region. It is well equipped with state-of the art equipments like
- Siemens Dimension Xpand Plus
- Beckman Coulter Access 2 : Technology- Chemi Luminescence Immuno Assay (CLIA)
- Bio-rod HBA1C auto analyser
- Mispa i2 immuno turbidometry analyser
- Mispa revo immuno fluorescence quantitative analyzer
Routine tests
- Fasting post prandial & random blood glucose
- Renal function test
- Lipid profile
- Liver function test
- Serum electrolytes
Special test
- HBA1C (HPLC Method)
- Troponin I (Quantitative)
- Troponin T
- Pseudo Cholinesterase Level
- Complete Thyroid Profile (Total and Free)
- PSA – Prostatic Specific Antigen
- PTH – Parathyroid hormone
- Serum iron profile-Iron ,TIBC , Ferritin
- Pro calcitonin
- 24 hours urine analysis
- Complete Renal stone analysis
- Urine micro albumin
- Amylase
- Lipase
- Complete hemogram
- Peripheral blood smear
- Hemoparasites-MP/MF
- Urine complete analysis
- Stool routine
- TT
- D-Dimer
- Fibrinogen
- Reticulocyte Count
- Sickling test
- Ham’s test
- Coagulation profile
- Bone marrow study
- Body fluid cell count & differential
- Semen analysis
- Urine ,Pus, Sputum, Body fluids, Tissue, Blood ,Stool
- We undertake culture sensitivity of blood, pus, urine, sputum, ET secretion and body fluids like CSF, Pleural fluid
- Fungal culture is also done
- Gram stain
- AFB Stain
- India ink preparation
- Hanging Drop
- Widal
- Covid Test
- Malaria antigen
- Scrub typhus
- Chikungunya
- TPHA – rapid
- HIV (CLIA, 4th generation ELISA, and Spot)
- HBsAg (CLIA,ELISA, and Spot)
- HCV (CLIA, ELISA and Spot)
- Dengue NS1 , IgM , IgG
- Leptospira ELISA
- Automatic Tissue Processor (Yarco)
- Microtome (Leica RM 2125 RTS)
- Fume Hood ( Cleanair company)
Biopsy sample – endoscopy incisional excisional and guided biopsies
Cytology – Pap smears , Fluid Cytology for malignant cells,FNAC (Direct and guided),cell block preparation
- Beckman Coulter LH 780 & LH 500 Haematology Analyzer
- IL Elite pro Coagulation auto analyser
- Semi Coagulometer CA 50 Analyzer (Sysmex Company)
- Vesmatic 20 automated ESR analyser
- Urine Investigations- Siemens Analyzer
- PAS staining
- ZN Stain
- Alcian blue (AB)
- Elastic Van gieson (EVG)
- Masson Trichrome Staining (MT)
- Gomori Methanamine silver (GMS)
- Congo red (CR)
- Masson Fontana
- Perl’s stain
- Vacutainer Blood Collection method to draw the blood by trained and expert phlebotomists with proper order of draw using Eclipse needle which avoids needle prick injury to the Phlebotomists
- Bar-coded tubes with Bidirectional LIS in Automated analyzers
- 5 Part Cell counter HIGHER MODEL LH 500 & 780 (Beckman Coulter, USA) Haematology analyzer with VCS (Volume Conductivity Scattered) Technology including Reticulocyte count test
- Fully automated coagulation analyzer ensuring accurate results vital to monitoring anti coagulation
- Fully Automated biochemistry analyser (SIEMENS XPAND PLUS) in the region with higher throughput 520 tests/hour
- Fully automated Immuno chemistry analyzer (Beckman Coulter Access) using method of Chemi Luminescence Immuno Assay (CLIA) in the region with higher throughput of 100 tests/hour
- HPLC method to detect HBA1C investigation for Diabetic patients with Variant Haemoglobin Graphical method analysis
- Bio safety cabinet (Level II) in microbiology department for conducting culture investigations
- Laminar Fume hood, useful for Tissue grossing examination of Biopsy samples
- Fully automated blood culture using bact alert for yearly indication of growth for proper anti biotic Rx
- Rigorous , regular internal quality controls for both quantitative and qualitative tests are run to validate testing processes.
- Accuracy of test result monitor through participation in external quality assurance in biorad,CMC vellore , AIIMS ,Tata memorial hospitals, Ram manohar Lohia hospitals.