Nutrition and Dietetics
Meenakshi mission hospital at Thanjavur dietary department aims to provide nutritious, attractive and palatable food while maintaining high standards of hygiene, sanitation production and service to all the patient.the department focuses on increasing awarness among patients about the benefits of following nutrition and diet.
A healthy diet is a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories.
We have qualified dieticians are progressive ,fully committed to deliver flexible ,evidence based nutritional care to patients as an individual basic ,also deliver group education session during camps.

In Patient Dietary Services
- All in-patients are screened for nutritional risk by qualified dietitians based on metabolic, anthropometric and biochemical data and provide Nutritional Care.
- Individualized nutritional care is provided to all in-patients with a dietitian attending to each one of them.
- The patients are offered a wide choice of food items based on the nutritional requirements. All efforts would be made to provide special meals catering to the patients in accordance with their disease condition.
Educational material will be provided. Nutritional assistance / diet counseling will be given for the following medical conditions
- Metabolic disorders like diabetes Mellitus
- Cardio vascular diseases
- Cancer
- Gastrointestinal disorder
- Kidney disordersEnteral feeding etc
Daily Meals served to indoor patients
- Early morning: Milk
- Breakfast: SouthIndian food
- Mid-Morning: Soup/juice
- Lunch:Meals as per the clinical condition
- Evening: Milk/Tea with snacks
- Dinner: South Indian food
- Types of diet for indoor patients:
- Basic: Normal diet, Soft diet, semi-solid diet, liquid diet, blenderized diet
- Theraputic diet: High protein diet, Salt restricted diet,bland diet, Fat free diet,daibatic diet,renal diet,tubefeeds etc.
Critical Care Service
The Critical Care Dietitian will assess and provide nutritional input to all patients admitted in critical care units and review these patients on a regular basis to obtain better outcome and speedy recovery. Continuous ryles tube feeding is initiated for critical care patients on Enteral Nutrition under supervision of the Dietitian.

Outpatient Service
Every individual needs to plan a diet to suit their life style and society, health conditions to lead a healthy life. If a diet plan has not been made so far, please feel free to contact our dietitian at the diet clinic.
- The dietitians in this clinic not only plan diet specific for your needs but will also educate on healthy eating habits and life style modifications. Information on safe dietary practice will also be provided.
- The department of Dietetics at the hospital provides counselling for the outpatients who are either referred by the Doctors or those who volunteer to visit the dietitians. The Dietitians acquire the history of each of the patient before charting out a diet plan.
- The department also caters to the outsiders who come seeking diet plans to keep fit.
- Counseling is also provided for parents wishing their children to be healthy and resistant to infection.
- Diet counseling is also given for Master Health Checkup patients and outpatients at other health centers of Meenakshi Hospitals on regular basis.
Diet counseling for clinical conditions
The nutrition clinic offers diet counseling for the following clinical conditions
- Underweight
- Obesity
- Childhood obesity
- Gout
- Fatty liver
- Cirrhosis of liver
- Lipid (cholesterol) management
- Blood pressure
- Diabetes type I & II
- Gestational diabetes
- Digestion problems like acidity, flatulence, constipation, etc.
- Celiac disease
- Children diet (including weaning period)
- Pregnancy
- Thyroid
- Renal (on or not on dialysis)
- Cancer (pre/post operative, on chemo/other treatment)
- Arthritis