
Physiotherapists have a key role in prevention, identification, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals when movement and function are affected by ageing, injury, diseases or environmental factors.
Physiotherapy service at MHT includes all major specialties. We have qualified, highly experienced and competent team for serving both Out-patient including outside refferals, Walkin patients and In-Patient services.
The detailed assessment and our custom made treatment protocols for individuals conform with the international evidence based rehabilitation protocols.
The desired functional outcome will help the person return to role/occupation that is age, gender, and context-relevant and will help patient have improved quality of life

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World-class Infrastructure

Physiotherapists at MHT are qualified professionals to apply scientific knowledge and clinical reasoning to assess and treat physical symptoms and limited movement.





Bypass Surgeries


Beating Heart Surgeries


Success Rate

Patient Centric Care

Here, we develop unique plan of care to match patients need. We educate the patients how to manage their chronic symptoms and pain to stay well. We give preventive measures to avoid future injury and achieve the best quality of life they can.

Our Scope of Services


  • IFT
  • SWD
  • TENS
  • Ultrasonic therapy
  • Electrical stimulator
  • Paraffin wax

Mechanical Therapy

  • Cervical traction
  • Pelvic traction
  • Tilt table
  • CPM- lower limb

Exercise Therapy

  • Active, active assisted, passive exercises
  • Theraband, thera tubes
  • Swiss ball exercises

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

  • Various Breathing exercises, ACBT, FET
  • Postural drainage
  • Mucous clearance techniques/ devices
  • Bronchial hygiene
  • Exclusive post CABG rehab


  • Antenatal, Postnatal exercises
  • Invasive Pelvic floor rehab

Post-operative rehabilitation

  • Chest and Limb physio
  • Early ambulation
  • Improving functional activities

ICU rehab

  • Chest Physiotherapy
  • Early mobilisation
  • Bronchial hygiene

Neurological rehabilitation

  • Comprehensive rehab programme- custom made
  • Bobath, Brunnstorm
  • CIMT, Bilateral arm training
  • Sensory integration
  • Mirror therapy
  • Improving basic and instrumental ADL’s

Paediatric Rehabilitation

  • NDT and SI

Oncology and palliative care

  • Manual lymphatic drainage(MLD)
  • Multi layered Lymphatic bandaging(MLLB)

Vestibular rehabilitation

  • Vertigo exercises
  • Canalith repositioning manoeuvres

Advance rehab services

  • Maitland manipulation
  • Mulligan manipulation
  • K-taping
  • Rigid Taping
  • Dry Cupping therapy
  • Instrument assisted Soft tissue manipulation